Humanity – not just a virus with shoes

Humanity – not just a virus with shoes

As awareness spreads of the ecocidal consequences of our civilisation, I increasingly hear opinions to the effect that humanity is nothing but a plague, a parasite. A virus with shoes... It can even lead to the opinion (frequently expressed by those in favour of burying our heads in the sand) that people concerned about humanity's impacts should do the world a favour and kill themselves. Indeed, as this hypothesis continues to spread, I don't doubt that it has contributed to actual suicides. So it seems worth highlighting that it isn't true.
“The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation?”: a film about the extraordinary task of inventing a future…

“The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation?”: a film about the extraordinary task of inventing a future…

Our film about David Fleming’s potent legacy is starting to take shape. And here’s the first taster – a beautiful five minute wander through Deep Time, with a shocking ending..! I’m so proud of these tasters, and happy to see that they’re...