It’s been brought to my attention that after over fifteen years of Dark Optimism, some of the best stuff has got a little buried.
If you’re new here, I keep this post updated, so let me give you the tour and see what grabs your interest!

About me and Dark Optimism
(video interviews at the bottom of that bio, or check out this intimate podcast for more on my life and lifestyle)
On my home at The Happy Pig in Ireland – our free pub, bunkhouse and community space
My online home.
Our warm global community, and online programmes developed and offered in partnership with Vermont’s wonderful Sterling College. Join us any time!
Surviving the Future: Conversations for Our Time
About my late mentor David Fleming’s astonishing books, which I shepherded to posthumous publication.
Perhaps the most potent contribution I’ve yet made to our world
2020 update: check out the new custom-built, searchable, interactive and completely free!
On my involvement with the Extinction Rebellion, as one of the earliest arrestees
A taster clip from our feature film – The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation?
These tasters have been viewed over 5 million times, and the online premiere on 16th March 2020 was watched live by 25,000+
On grief, activism and the darkness in my optimism
(see blog post, 2014 interview, or 2019 interview)
The ‘Dark Optimism album’ – sit back and listen.
Product of my passion for finding the music from various artists that speaks powerfully to the times we live in
(new song suggestions most welcome!)
On land and the wonderful Ecological Land Co-operative, which I used to chair
(as of 2023 it has seven sites around the UK and is growing fast – see my blog post or STIR magazine article)
I also head The Fleming Policy Centre, which invented carbon rationing, aka TEQs.
If appetite existed for national policy to actually radically reduce emissions – as opposed to the disastrous carbon pricing/tax approach – it would look like this.
A listing of my forthcoming (and past) public events
Finally, a selection of some of my most memorable articles published elsewhere (magazines, journals etc), including:
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The Sequel: Life After Economic Growth (2018, Tikkun)
Confessions of a Hypocrite: Utopia in the Age of Ecocide (2016, Kosmos)
Moving Beyond Carbon Pricing – An Integrated, Economy-wide Emissions Cap
(2015, the most-read peer reviewed paper in the history of the Carbon Management journal)
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And a few classic blog posts:
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Humanity – not just a virus with shoes
Is activism therapy?
(a response to the excellent film Just Do It)
Heroes and villains in Copenhagen, and beyond
(on the UN climate negotiations in 2009 – our ‘last chance’, apparently)
Carbon Offsetting, what’s it really about?
The Climate Science Translation Guide
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Welcome indeed! May you find something to inspire and excite…
and do feel free to sign up to my personal newsletter
(or steal a peek at the earlier occasional updates to see whether you’d like to!)
This is such a useful addition for latecomers to your like me. Appreciated.