Death and Rebirth: Farewell, dear Schumacher College, hello new friends
Ah, Schumacher College. There's a name to conjure with... For so many of us, it summons magical memories of truly life-changing times. To this day, I remember the tingling surge of energy in my body during the fortnight of the "Life After Oil" course I took there in 2006 — as one attendee put it, I had the air about me of a man in an oasis, after wandering a desert for years. And with good reason. It was there that I first found a peer group around my concern about our collective future. There...

Voices from the Edge
Last month the wonderful Kim Hare invited me to be the keynote speaker at a reunion for attendees of her freely-offered The Edge Retreat, which doubled as the launch for her book At The Edge. I decided to offer a 20 minute whistle-stop tour of my life so far: Before opening the conversation on the theme of ‘Transforming Our Relationship with the Future’: It felt a potent event — and gave rise...