by Shaun Chamberlin | Jun 9, 2010 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Favourite posts, Peak Oil, TEQs (Tradable Energy Quotas), The Transition Timeline, Transition Movement Christopher Fraser of London Transition has kindly transcribed the above popular interview with Canada’s Radio Ecoshock that I posted a couple of months back....
by Shaun Chamberlin | Mar 28, 2010 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Peak Oil, TEQs (Tradable Energy Quotas), The Transition Timeline, Transition Movement Above is a 24 minute interview I did last week with Canada’s excellent Radio Ecoshock. The full 60 minute show can be heard here. Dark Optimism readers may also...
by Shaun Chamberlin | Dec 22, 2009 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Politics, Transition Movement Above is a recording of a quick interview I gave immediately after speaking at the Scottish Parliament earlier this year, as part of the Holyrood 350...
by Shaun Chamberlin | Dec 7, 2008 | All Posts, Cultural stories, The Transition Timeline, Transition Movement
Last month I discussed some of the national and international developments that are shaping our future, but in spite of the ongoing climate talks in Poznan, today I’d like to focus on the importance of local-level action. Amidst all the focus on global climate...
by Shaun Chamberlin | Jun 8, 2008 | All Posts, Climate Change, Cultural stories, Favourite posts, Peak Oil, Politics, TEQs (Tradable Energy Quotas)
In the climate policy community there is a growing debate between advocates of ‘upstream’ and ‘downstream’ carbon caps (dams?). The terms draw an analogy between the flow of water in a stream and the flow of energy through an economy....
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