by Shaun Chamberlin | Apr 20, 2010 | All Posts, Favourite posts, Transition Movement
So the big day finally came and went, and glorious it was too. I’m still smiling from the wonderful energy of it all. Pause a moment to take in the brilliance of the TTK cake (TT Kake?) before clicking through to a peek at the many-splendoured event itself,...
by Shaun Chamberlin | Apr 19, 2010 | All Posts, Uncategorized
Yes, after much cajoling from friends and colleagues, I have finally set up a Dark Optimism Twitter account. Now that the glut of big TTK events is out of the way, I should soon be able to find time to post some original writing here again, but hopefully Twitter will...
by Shaun Chamberlin | Mar 6, 2010 | All Posts, Transition Movement
Following on from our success in the local Green Awards, TTK has won ‘Green Group of the Year’ at the South London Awards. I was also highly commended in the Green Champion category, with my indefatigable friend Lucy Neal of Transition Town Tooting the...
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