Dear David…

by | Dec 7, 2022

Dear David,

I miss you.  Still.

Ah, I’d planned to put this post up last Tuesday, on the twelfth anniversary of your sudden death, but I was too busy dealing with the flurry of interest in your legacy, so I know you’ll forgive me.

Instead I post it today.  I have long had an impulse to burn a copy of the award-winningly beautiful final Lean Logic, to send it to you.  And known that it is to be done on a full moon.  Somehow it has never quite been the time.  Tonight it will be.

You’d be so overcome to know how much impact your work has had, and continues to have.  Your great work has changed so many lives, yet you never saw it published.  Didn’t get to share that landmark, emotional moment of holding it for the first time.   Your moment.

I know that was partly because a book covering so many topics always felt as though it needed a little more updating, but in truth I think the bigger reason was your fear that after thirty years of your life poured into it it might go nowhere, and have no-one read it.  That would have broken your heart.

David Fleming in his Hampstead flat

So I wanted to write now to let you know…

So many people who never met you wish they could pull up a chair and chat with you about the times we’re in.  Nothing would have given you greater pleasure.  But perhaps none long for it as intensely as I do, having had that honour.  What I wouldn’t give for another ‘lean drink’ together in The Old White Bear.

Did I mention that I miss you..?

Thank you David.  You changed my life, and continue to change so many others.

Rest well, my dear friend.  And hopefully I might see you amidst the flames later.

Shaun Chamberlin and David Fleming at Kew Gardens, beside a lake and under a swamp cypress


  1. Anne

    What a moving tribute, Shaun. I too would love to have spent some time with David Fleming, although I would probably have been too tongue-tied to say much. But when that review of Surviving the Future by Erik Lindberg came into my inbox in late 2017, I somehow knew that it was going to be significant in a very special way. And that has proved to be true in so many ways. So I am very grateful for David Fleming and for the inspiration he gifted you with, and all you have done to carry on his vision.

  2. Jill Lewis

    Shaun, this is so beautiful. Your dear mentor is no doubt so proud of you! We who have spent time with you in courses and talks and the like in these times get glimpses of David in you – we are left honoured, humbled, grateful. Thank you

  3. Lucy

    I miss David too Shaun. He gave me so much confidence to try the impossible. And I did! for which I will be forever grateful. Playing for Time Making Art As If the World Mattered sold out, so we are reprinting in late Spring 2023. David through and through. Thanks for writing this – it is AMAZING how popular and practically useful his work is. You have built a very fine bridge to ensure it lives. Well done xxx


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